Whats the Problem?
In the original jQuery script for creating a toggle system, several inefficiencies and redundancies can impact performance and readability:
- Repeated DOM Selections: Selecting the same elements multiple times can slow down the script.
- Redundant Event Handlers: Adding event handlers within loops can lead to unnecessary overhead.
- Excessive DOM Manipulations: Unnecessary DOM manipulations can degrade performance.
The goal is to optimize the jQuery code to address these issues, making it more efficient and easier to maintain while effectively implementing the toggle system.
The Solution
The optimized jQuery script addresses these problems through caching selectors, using robust event handling, and minimizing DOM manipulations. Here is the optimized version of the script for the toggle system:
Explanation of the Optimizations
- Caching jQuery Selectors: The selectors are cached at the beginning of the script to avoid repeated selection of the same elements. This reduces the number of DOM queries, improving performance.
- Clear Active Classes Function: A separate function `clearActiveClasses` is created to remove active classes. This avoids code duplication and makes the script more modular and readable.
- Using `.on()` Method: The `.on()` method is used to attach event handlers. This is more efficient, especially if elements are dynamically added to the DOM, ensuring the event handlers are always applied.
- Grouped DOM Manipulations: DOM manipulations are grouped together to minimize the number of times the DOM is accessed. This can significantly improve performance, especially in complex and large-scale web applications.
How the Code Works
The optimized jQuery code efficiently implements a toggle system where users can interact with hotspots and dropdowns. The hotspots are clickable elements that reveal associated details when activated. The dropdown menu allows users to select options, which updates the displayed selection.
Hotspot Toggle Functionality
- When a hotspot or its toggle button is clicked, the corresponding details are displayed, and previous selections are cleared.
- The `clearActiveClasses` function ensures that only one hotspot and its details are active at any given time.
- Event handlers are attached using the `.on()` method for robustness.
Dropdown Menu Functionality
- The dropdown menu’s options are displayed or hidden when the selected element is clicked.
- When an option is selected, the displayed selection is updated, and the options are hidden.
- A click outside the dropdown menu closes the options if they are open.
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var $hotspotWrap = $('.pp-hot-spot-wrap');
var $hotspotToggle = $('.hotspotToggle');
var $hotspotDetails = $('.hotspotDetails');
var $dropdown = $('.custom-dropdown');
var $selected = $dropdown.find('.custom-dropdown-selected');
var $options = $dropdown.find('.custom-dropdown-options');
// Function to clear previous active classes
function clearActiveClasses() {
// Event handler for hotspotToggle click
$hotspotToggle.on('click', function () {
var target = $(this).attr('target');
// Add active classes to current elements
$('#' + target).addClass('active-hotspot');
$('#' + target + '_details').addClass('active_hotspotDetails');
// Event handler for hotspotWrap click
$hotspotWrap.on('click', function () {
var hotspot = $(this).attr('id');
// Debugging log
console.log('#' + hotspot + '_details');
// Add active classes to current elements
$('#' + hotspot + '_details').addClass('active_hotspotDetails');
$hotspotToggle.filter('[target="' + hotspot + '"]').addClass('active-hotspotToggle');
// Dropdown click handlers
$selected.on('click', function () {
$options.on('click', '.custom-dropdown-option', function () {
var value = $(this).data('value');
var iconClass = $(this).find('i').attr('class');
var label = $(this).text().trim();
$selected.html(`<i class="${iconClass}"></i> ${label}`);
$(document).on('click', function (event) {
if (!$dropdown.is(event.target) && $dropdown.has(event.target).length === 0) {